Over on this thread a comment has been left remarking that Exodus seems to be the only IM client that works with the smack API implementation in ColdFusion. My research was a bit long so I thought I would respond in a blog entry rather than the comments. 1. “Now I am having trouble sending messages from any client back to the Coldfusion one….. The Google Talk client, Psi, etc do not work under any circumstances. I can get the Exodus client to send messages back to Coldfusion” Finding out the issue between PSI, Miranda and Exodus involved watching the XMPP packets between the server and the clients.
As far as I can see Exodus is the only one that works because it relays a thread id. this means that Smack can route it back to the associated Java thread properly. PSI and MirandaIM dont do this. You can take a look at this XML doc of sample packets sent from Smack, Exodus, PSI and Miranda in that order. PSI: A thread on the PSI forum indicates that it will return the thread xml element if it is given one in the first place, but ONLY for a plain message type, not a chat message. I cant currently find any information on Miranda support for this tag.