One month after the launch of the iPhone5s we look at its best and worst features.
Apple’s iPhone 5s is the latest smartphone from Apple featuring the latest technology making it a revolutionary piece of kit.
Here are our top 3 iPhone5s features:
1. The iPhone 5s finger print sensor: Touch ID is Apple’s fingerprint sensor. This makes it one of the best, important, distinctive and the most polished features created by Apple for the iPhone. The main objective with Touch Id is to make iPhone 5s more secure, chore like and more fun. It is easy to use and set up. After a few steps, that require touching and lifting one’s thumb from the home button, one can bypass their pass code lock and it is way better than “slide to unlock” system.
2. The iPhone A-chip processor with 64 bit architecture: It is the first 64 bit smartphone in the entire world. Apple makes it the world’s first smartphone to feature A7 processor, a motion tracking M7 core processor, upgraded graphics, with a billion transistors. The new A7 chip gives a graphic performance of 2X faster than the A6 chip. Well ahead of Android here, with Intel stating they will have a 64-bit chip ready next year.
3. The iPhone 5s technology: As far as technology is concerned this phone is an impressive one. It comes with the latest software update from Apple that is iOS 7. Some of the great features of iOS 7 include control centre, smarter multitasking and AirDrop for iOS making the things one does everyday faster, easier and enjoyable.
And our top 3 most annoying iPhone 5s features:
1. Screen size remains the same: Over the past few years, Windows and Android phones have jumped ahead of the iPhone’s screen size. People now days prefer big phones with big screens. 5s has exactly the same screen size as the iPhone 5 that is 4 inches with a resolution of 1136×640.
2. No memory card slot and no Bluetooth or NFC for connectivity: iPhone 5s has a disadvantage as far as memory storage is concerned. It comes with built in 1 GB or RAM and has no micro SD card slot on board and no near field communication. 1 GB of RAM is not enough for today’s applications and games. RAM has more of discernible impact on than processing power, on the performance because of which i GB of RAM is simply unacceptable on the iPhone 5s.
3. 8 Mega pixel camera: Though, Apple has improved the quality of the camera but it still comes with the older version of 8 mega pixel camera and has the same resolution as iPhone 5. Today there are many smartphones available in the market with up to 41 mega pixel cameras, which are a huge competition to the iPhone 5s and the users think twice while buying this phone as camera is one of the major factors and attractions people consider while buying a smartphone. That said, the quality of the photos and video i outstanding, and with the double colour flash gets great results.
Is price a factor for such an mazing piece of hardware? When you look at the numbers against Android, Apple isnt doing so well, the market share globally is sky rocketing in Android’s favour because of a lower price point and wider range of device options.
Although the Apple iPhone 5s has a few drawbacks, and Apple have perhaps missed the mark a bit, it is still a great buy for the consumers with the 2 core processors and the unique features of the iOS 7 operating system. The 64 bit processor and A7 chip together make the iPhone super fast and the 2 tone flash is also a great feature producing excellent photographs in low light. The Touch-ID is the icing on the cake.
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