I have all of my photos over on Flickr and wanted a small blogCFC pod on the right side to display the most recent uploads. Here is how I did it. First create a new pod within blogcfc, this is easily done by going to the /tags/layout.cfm and adding a line in amongst the other pods:
Now go to the /includes/pods directory and create an images.cfm file.
At this point I should mention that I have used CFlickr a full features CF implementation of the Flickr API. There are other ways of doing this in CF but I intend to do more with Flickr on my site soon. So if you want to use it, go download it! Your images.cfm should start out like any other pod, note the cachename attribute and title attribute in the cfmodule calls. Its important to rename these so that the pod doesnt overwrite another in the caching, and so you have a nice title.
Next put in the code for CFlickr. In this case we want all the images for my username Length. (For the purposes of this demo I have removed my API key get yours at Flickr API) First in the top of the images.cfm add in the creation of the instance and hit the required method to fetch a users images.
Now loop over the result and display them neatly with title and alt attributes filled with the title of the photo.
And the end result is what you see on the right. The complete code is attached to this entry.