Over on this thread a comment has been left remarking that messages cannot be sent over multiple browser sessions even though the from and to addresses are the same.
“If I close the ColdFusion client and reopen it I can send messages with no problems, but cannot receive them.”
This is caused by IM clients pretty much ignoring the thread id. Exodus links past conversations by the username or buddy id, however Smack uses the threadid as the identifier. Hence when you kill the browser session, and create a new one the thread id changes.
This means that Exodus sends a message to the im server, but with an old thread id so smack will never find it because its looking for another message. In order to regain the connection to a second browser session for the same user the IM client needs to be restarted because they keep conversations open for the length of the application life by default. The only way around this would be to somehow get smack to pull out all IM messages from the server irrespective of thread id.