CFEclipse – Frameworks support: Fusebox, Mach-II, ModelGlue

I read with great interest this morning that Mark Drew has released a plugin for CFEclipse that helps you out if you work with ModelGlue, Fusebox, or Mach-II. Other frameworks can be added too, like Transfer ORM, because the whole system is XML driven. This is HUGE! It looks like some features are: Automagically determining […]

I read with great interest this morning that Mark Drew has released a plugin for CFEclipse that helps you out if you work with ModelGlue, Fusebox, or Mach-II.

Other frameworks can be added too, like Transfer ORM, because the whole system is XML driven. This is HUGE! It looks like some features are:

  • Automagically determining your framework
  • Browse the framwork of the app
  • Open up all files related to a FuseAction
  • Add new actions via XMl and edit config files graphically

I havent downloaded it yet, but it looks awesome, Ray Camden has already been busy with it here: You can download it into Eclipse using the update site at

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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