ColdFusion 8 – Ajax Debugger

I was just running the ajax examples from Ben Forta for ColdFusion 8 and I noticed that I could add ?cfdebug to the end of the URL in order to see the inline AJAX debug screen. The ColdFusion team over at Adobe have built it in to help our now Web 2.0 ajax’ed coding lives. […]

I was just running the ajax examples from Ben Forta for ColdFusion 8 and I noticed that I could add ?cfdebug to the end of the URL in order to see the inline AJAX debug screen. The ColdFusion team over at Adobe have built it in to help our now Web 2.0 ajax’ed coding lives. Its a pretty cool little gizmo. Every piece of action that happens is loaded into the window, just like you would expect to see in Firebug.

Each statement or bit of information has a colour coded status to it, debug (dark red), info (green), error (red) or window (yellow), each with its own check box allowing you to filter the information at hand. The information is then further broken down into 4 categories. Global, LogReader, widget and http. HTTP deals with any calls made to the server, CFC invocations, and shows data sent and received.

Widget covers the form elements or bits generated by cf tags such as an auto suggester or cftree.

Global covers anything that happens in the window but is not generated from the CF ajax libraries. And LogReader covers the magic widget you are looking at.

Lastly there are bind actions where you could use the bind: directive in a cf tag:

If its not working for you then remember to select the Enable AJAX Debug Log Window option on the ColdFusion Administrator’s Debug Output Settings page.

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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