Can you share a Shared Drive with a non-Google email account? Can a Microsoft Outlook user collaborate on a Google Drive file? How can I share a Google drive with a Microsoft user?
Let’s dive into the details of what sharing options are available for Shared Drives in Google Workspace. I’ll also walk you through what this looks like from the other person’s view.
00:23 Setting up a temporary email and confirming its, not a Google account
00:57 Sharing the Shared Drive with the non-Google user
01:23 Confirming our Shared Drive allows external sharing
01:54 How do we work around this? Registering an email to Google without using Google Workspace
02:34 Can we share a folder within a Shared Drive with an external user?
03:24 Can the external user be a contributor so they can edit files?
04:06 How does this work from the user’s point of view?
05:01 Editing from the user’s point of view
06:29 Summary of what is possible and what you can do
Thanks for watching!
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