Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.

I just returned from the UK having been over on some family business. Being 6’5″ and not very rich I have to fly economy and hope that the nice check in people will allocate me a decent seat in a bulk head or exit row so I dont end up with some disfigurment after 13 […]

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We had a job sent in by email today: Dear Service Desk, My mouse is really slow. It takes 2 clicks to start something or highlight something, etc, etc. I checked out the mouse function in control panel but it still didn’t make a difference. Thankyou.

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East Anglian Ambulance Service have launched a national “In case of Emergency (ICE)” campaign with the support of Falklands war hero Simon Weston and in association with Vodafone’s annual life savers award. The idea is that you store the word ” I C E ” in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter […]

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If you havent heard already Firefox is taking the world by storm as the new Internet Browser to rival Internet Explorer. Developed by Mozilla – who claim that “Firefox empowers you to browse faster, more safely and more efficiently than with any other browser.” I have now been using firefox for at least 6 months […]

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So you have several apps on several servers, each of them load balanced and clustered using ColdFusions cool new Clustering and load balancing. But what if you need to know which of the CF instances is handling a particular request, what if you want to actually see the Round Robin happening? I found a nifty […]

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When ColdFusion MX 7 came along the old ways of performance logging went out the window somewhat. cfstat got lost because it cant cope with multiple jrun instances and for some reason Jrun metrics doesn’t want to work either (at least I couldn’t get it to work). At MXDU I saw Kai Koenig talk about […]

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At work recently we were getting clobbered by some nasty virus or other (there are so many I cant even remember the name), and all attempts at cleanup using Norton Anti Virus were not getting us very far. In a desperate attempt we tried a demo version of McAfee Virus Scan and came up with […]

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Apple did some really good work on pricing up their iPods. This makes it really difficult to make a decision on what to get, especially if you are looking at price per megabyte. I don’t own one of these, but it was interesting to see how they worked it all out, whatever you think you […]

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Recently I started to get a lot of junk in my in-box through the contact form. This was all generated by spam bots on the net so I added in the new feature of human evaluation by use of the image with a number on the contact and comment forms to slow the junk entering […]

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