
Empowering our clients through partnership to have confidence in their technology and control over their business

Since we went through and geocoded all of the Australian postcodes and suburbs we have found ourselves finding all sorts of uses for it, and have been madly going through projects and using this data. We have the data in our master code database, and in order to make use of it in a clients […]

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I have all of my photos over on Flickr and wanted a small blogCFC pod on the right side to display the most recent uploads. Here is how I did it. First create a new pod within blogcfc, this is easily done by going to the /tags/layout.cfm and adding a line in amongst the other […]

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I have been working a lot with Java and in particular the svnkit java API for SubVersion, this was all started with the cfdiff project from Rick Osborne. One of the things that has had me troubled for a while is viewing the contents of a file at a particular revision. The SVNKit returns a […]

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We recently had a compatibility issue with a design that didnt quite fit in Safari. Example, lets assume you have 2 divs inside a container. This will have the right div flush against the left with no gap between. This is because browsers except Safari assume the container takes up 100% of the space it […]

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Sometimes its necessary to insert a null value into a column in a database. For example if the length of a string is blank, you may prefer null rather than a blank entry. Here is one way to achieve this without cfqueryparam: Here is another way with the cfqueryparam tag Both are a bit messy […]

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I spent the last days of last week at MX:DU – the Macromedia Developers Conference for Australia and Pacific. It was put on and organised by Daemon – who did an awesome job. We went to a whole load of sessions and learnt some very cool (nerdy) things. Macromedia have been working very hard recently […]

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Sometime last year Microsoft posted this patch to windows 2003 allowing Office 2003, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint to access and save files in the Office 2007 format. Office 2007 compatibility pack for Microsoft Office 2003 Dead handy for those who are still on Office 2003 but know people or co workers using Office 2007.

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We recently had to work out how to display a random quote from a table in the database. Clearly we could have created a random number with CF and then simply retrieved that row or id from the database, but what if the rows didn’t have consecutive ID’s? We came up with this solution in […]

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We just went live with 6 months worth of work and it has been really smooth considering the amount of changes. Aside from the stupid questions from userland we haven’t had any major issues. We did however experience some slow downs which we could attribute only to the AJAX suggester tools we had implemented in […]

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