Installing your first Tag into Google Tag Manager and starting to harness the power of this platform for analytics and much more.
For this video you will also need a Google Analytics account. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNumM…
Go to http://tagmanager.google.com and sign up for an account.
Copy the Tag Manager ID for the Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin.
Get the Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin here https://wordpress.org/plugins/duracel…
We then go through and create a container, and install our first Tag.
1) Click New Tag
2) Click on Google Analytics
3) Universal Analytics
4) Get your Tracking ID from Analytics and insert it
5) Fire On is set to All Pages
6) Click Create Tag, and Name the Tag something useful!
7) Hit Publish to push it out to the world
Test your Tag Manager tags by using the Tag Assistant plugin in Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/de…
1) Install the Extension
2) Click Enable
3) Reload the page
4) Check the tags in the list, and that it is firing as you designed.