How to create a DropBox shared folder with another user on DropBox. This quick video will show you how easy it is to share folders with other users and create a shared folder that you can both make updates to, and share documents.
Hello folks. Today, I’m going to show you how to share a folder that’s on your computer using Dropbox with another user on Dropbox. What happens here is that a user using Dropbox can then access the files and folders that you shared with them. They can share files in to that folder as well and you’ll both receive all the updates that you make.
I’m going to assume that you’ve got Dropbox installed. We’re going to go to the Windows Explorer, we’re going to hit our Dropbox icon come up here. There are all my folders for Dropbox. I’m going to click the file Don’t Panic that I want to share with my friend Jane. In order to do that, you right click in the folder, click Dropbox in the menu and click ‘share this folder.’
What that’s going to do is it’s open up the Dropbox website for you, it’s going to have you logged in and all you do from there is you type in your friends name. Here’s Jane, here’s that folder, and then you type in your little message to Jane and click ‘share folder’. Now Jane has Dropbox installed, you see, and I’ve got a notification there that says we’ve got a shared folder that says at the top here that has been selected and shared with Jane.
Now, she has the ability to see what’s inside of this folder. I can also go up to this icon here. I can click shared folder icon and I can see that there are two people in this, that’s myself and there’s Jane in there. Now, she’s still waiting, she’s just been sent an invite and I can use the re-invite button there to re-invite if I want to.
I can also un-share the folder or leave it. If I leave it, Jane will continue to keep that folder and will maintain control of it. There you go, there’s your shared your folder at Dropbox. Now, what’ll happen is I can add anything to this folder and Jane will also receive those updates. All right guys, there you go. I hope you enjoy it. See you.