Extending cfchart and webcharts3d in ColdFusion MX

I recently took a voyage of discovery to see how much you could do with the new and improved cfchart. Its really good, with some great features and funky animations, lots of control over labels and axis and a range of interesting charts. Macromedia LiveDocs cfchart. Unfortunately it wasn’t quite enough. The engine Macromedia licensed […]

I recently took a voyage of discovery to see how much you could do with the new and improved cfchart. Its really good, with some great features and funky animations, lots of control over labels and axis and a range of interesting charts. Macromedia LiveDocs cfchart. Unfortunately it wasn’t quite enough. The engine Macromedia licensed for ColdFusion is called webcharts3d from Greenpoint.

It has a lot more charts available, simply put Macromedia didnt license the entire product. So in order to tap into this power you need to fudge things a little and use some nifty Java extending. Unfortunately the following example gives the output a tag saying “evaluation version” because of the license, but it gets you started and allows you to evaluate the product to see if its really worth the full priced license. This example produces a radar chart:

And that should be enough to get you going – good luck!

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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