14th in the World!

Call me a nerd, but I just made it in to the top 15 in the world on the website www.experts-exchange.com for the ColdFusion Topic Area. If you click on the link and look for the box of Top 15 you can see mmc98dl1 in the list (thats me!) I am a long way behind […]

Call me a nerd, but I just made it in to the top 15 in the world on the website www.experts-exchange.com for the ColdFusion Topic Area. If you click on the link and look for the box of Top 15 you can see mmc98dl1 in the list (thats me!)

I am a long way behind the top of the list (mrichmon) but even so, I am still in the top 15 Experts in the Experts Exchange world – I think thats very cool.

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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