customising ajaxCFC JQuery – BlockUI Messages

By default ajaxCFC includes the JQuery BlockUI plugin to cover the screen and display a message while the ajax request gets processed. Its default message is “please wait….”, so to make it more explanatory we can put a line of code in to help. Taking our last example of retrieving products, lets turn on blockUI: […]

By default ajaxCFC includes the JQuery BlockUI plugin to cover the screen and display a message while the ajax request gets processed. Its default message is “please wait….”, so to make it more explanatory we can put a line of code in to help.

Taking our last example of retrieving products, lets turn on blockUI:

Now lets add in

to customise the message users receive. Here is the complete example:

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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