Routing Email for Deleted Users To Another Account

When you run a company there are people that come and go. In some cases you might want to catch any mail for that deleted user and send it to another person or mailbox. Steps: From the apps dashboard Click Apps – Gmail – Advanced Settings Add a new Receiving Route Name the rule […]

When you run a company there are people that come and go. In some cases you might want to catch any mail for that deleted user and send it to another person or mailbox.


  1. From the apps dashboard
  2. Click Apps – Gmail – Advanced Settings
  3. Add a new Receiving Route
  4. Name the rule
    • Select Messages to affect: Inbound
    • Select Change Envelope Recipient
    • Add the destination user address
    • Execute only if the envelope recipient matches – add in the old address, or use regex e.g. anna@|info@ will match anna@ OR info@ on the incoming email address.

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Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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