Edit Microsoft Excel XLSX in Google Drive and Limitations of Google Sheets – SixFive

We'll look at how to keep your MS Excel XLSX files in Google Drive

This video will show you a google sheets tutorial on how to convert excel .xlsx to google sheets with google drive and the limitations of Google Sheets when importing data from Excel.

This video will show you a google sheets tutorial on how to convert excel .xlsx to google sheets with google drive and the limitations of Google Sheets when importing data from Excel. We’ll look at how to keep your MS Excel XLSX files in Google Drive, but still be able to edit using your copy of Excel on your Computer.

0:30 Limitations of Google Drive with Excel

2:15 Google sheets tutorial on how to convert excel .xlsx to google sheets with google drive

3:30 Open from your Computer in Excel, but keep synchronised in Google Drive

4:25 Wrap and Summary

The best thing about this is you do not need to install any software, you can do this on any computer, and you do not need to pay Microsoft for an Excel software license.

Thanks for watching!

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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