Optimise your Google Business Profile

The more trustworthy your business looks on search engines, the more likely it’ll be to attract new prospects.

The customer journey is all about trust. The more trustworthy your business looks on search engines, the more likely it’ll be to attract new prospects. With a Google Business Profile, you get the opportunity to earn an extra trust point with potential customers.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to both create and optimise your Google Business Profile. But first, let’s define what a Google Business Profile is, and why it matters.

What is a Google Business Profile?

Whenever you use Google to search for business by name, you may come across an online storefront, where you’ll immediately find a wealth of information about said business. That’s what we call a Google Business Profile.

For example, if a user looks up something like “SixFive Australia” on Google, here’s what they’ll find:


Right away, it becomes clear why business profiles are essential. They make the details of a business stand out on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), while providing critical information about this business in a single location. This way, customers don’t have to message, call, or visit the website to request a quote, for instance. Everything they need is right there.

Not only that, but users are able to personalise their profile with photos, offers, posts, and much more.

How to Create and Optimise Your Google Business Profile

Make Sure You Create or Claim Your Profile

In some cases, a business profile may already be claimed. To see if yours is already claimed, just go to google.com/business. There, you’ll see a call-to-action that says Manage Now. Click on it.

Next, you’ll see the following page:


This area will let you check whether a profile for your business already exists. If it hasn’t been claimed yet, all you have to do is type in your business name and click Add your business to Google.

If you find that there’s someone else is already managing your Google Business Profile, you might see something like this:


In the case someone else may be managing that account, you’re allowed to request access to the profile using your email address.

Complete All Sections

Once you’ve clicked Add your business to Google, you can start filling in information about your business. Information such as your physical location, type of business, open hours, and contact numbers.

Although a lot of the sections will be required, it’s important that you avoid skipping steps and provide as much detail as you can. Detailed profiles remove a lot of the friction involved in the customer journey, as people won’t need to visit multiple pages to get what they need.

Be Consistent Across Your Contact Information

You should stick to a single email address and a single contact number across all of your channels. Inconsistent information can result in confusion, especially when the numbers or addresses provided aren’t primary.

Remind yourself that you’re trying to remove all sources of doubt and confusion for potential customers. So make sure the contact number you provide on your Google Business profile is updated and that it can be reached during office hours.

Update Your Profile Regularly

Your profile shouldn’t be static. You can – and should – update it as often as you’d like by adding new photos and posts, for example.

At SixFive, we’re constantly adding new material to our profile. This helps people know we’re an active team that’s always ready to help.


Respond to Reviews – Both Good and Bad

If clients have taken time to write a review and rate your business, why not reply to them? This can be a great opportunity to thank them for their kind words.

Yet sometimes, the stars won’t be many, and the words won’t be as kind. It happens to the best of us.

Responding to “bad” reviews is also an opportunity to apologise, and to let unsatisfied clients know their opinion will help you improve. Always be kind, as potential customers will be reading those reviews, as well.


Answer Questions

Although local guides and customers can answer questions, it’s a lot better if the business owner does. This is a genuine way to show you’re actively engaging with customers, and taking time to answer their questions yourself.

The above answered question is just an example, as it could’ve been answered with more enthusiasm and detail.

Set Up Messaging on Your Profile


Google Business Profile messaging lets business owners communicate with their customers through a built-in chat feature.

You can enable your own messaging feature by directly contacting Google, or by connecting to one of their partners.

In order to promote trust and better engagement, businesses are required to reply to messages within a timeframe – typically 24 hours after receiving them. Timely responses are a must, and Google may deactivate chat for your business if you fail to respond within 24 hours.

Go Create Your Google Business Profile Today!

A Google Business Profile shouldn’t be an afterthought. Even if your business is already established in other channels, a comprehensive source of information is a priority for potential customers on-the-go.

They won’t have to visit your website or contact you – not if they don’t have the time to. All they’ll do is Google your business’s name, and instantly take in all the necessary elements for quick decision-making: a description, reviews, photos, testimonials, contact info, and more.

When you show up at the right place and the right time, you have a higher chance of winning more business.

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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