My WordPress website migration has a broken home page – How to fix!

Migrating your website to a new host can be a breeze, but sometimes things go awry. You end up with a blank page where your beautiful website once was!

Migrating your website to a new host can be a breeze, but sometimes things go awry. You end up with a blank page where your beautiful website once was! Fear not, fellow small business owner, this common issue has a simple solution.

The Problem: Database Disconnect

Imagine your website as a house. The files and folders are like the furniture, while the database is the foundation and the blueprint. During migration, sometimes the connection between these two gets broken. The database uses a prefix to identify its tables, and if this prefix doesn’t match what WordPress expects, your website won’t be able to find its content.

Identifying the Culprit

To diagnose the issue, you’ll need to peek under the hood of your website. This might sound intimidating, but don’t worry! You won’t need a degree in computer science. Most web hosts offer tools to access your website’s files (like FTP) or a server dashboard.

Once you have access, look for a file named wp-config.php in the root directory of your website. This file contains important configurations for WordPress. Open the file and search for “table prefix” or “database prefix.” You’ll likely see something like “WP_” followed by an underscore.

The Fix: A Simple Edit

Here’s the magic trick: If the prefix you see in the wp-config.php file doesn’t match the one used by your database tables (e.g., “BLV_” instead of “WP_”), all you need to do is change it! Edit the file to reflect the correct prefix.

Saving Your Changes and Seeing Results

Once you’ve made the edit, save the wp-config.php file. Now, visit your website and…voila! Your website should be back to its glorious self, with all your content displayed correctly.


  • This fix requires access to your website’s files or server. If you’re not comfortable with that, many web hosts offer migration assistance or have helpful documentation to guide you.
  • Always back up your website before making any changes!

By following these steps, you can overcome this common website migration hurdle and get your small business back online quickly.

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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