Search shortcuts in Google Chrome

Ever spend ages hunting for documents, emails, or calendar events scattered across your Google Drive, Gmail, and Calendar?

Ever spend ages hunting for documents, emails, or calendar events scattered across your Google Drive, Gmail, and Calendar? You’re not alone! But what if there was a central search tool that could find everything you need in seconds?

That’s exactly what Google Cloud Search is. It’s a powerful search engine built right into your Google Workspace that lets you search across everything – emails, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, calendars, and more.

Stop Wasting Time Switching Between Apps

Imagine this: you need a document from a specific project, but you can’t remember if it’s in Drive, Docs, or somewhere else. With Cloud Search, you simply type a keyword or phrase related to the document, and it finds it for you, regardless of where it’s stored.

Supercharge Your Search with This Simple Trick

While Cloud Search is fantastic, having to type the entire URL every time can be a hassle. Here’s a neat trick to make your life easier: create a custom search shortcut in Google Chrome.

  1. Head to Cloud Search: Open your browser and visit This is the official website for Cloud Search.
  2. See the Magic: Try searching for something! Cloud Search will scour your entire Google Workspace and present all the relevant results – emails, documents, calendars entries, and anything else related to your search term.
  3. Build Your Shortcut: Now, let’s make searching even faster. Open Chrome settings and navigate to “Search engine.” Click on “Manage search engines” and then “Add a search engine.”
  4. Craft Your Keyword: Give your search engine a friendly name, like “Cloud Search.” Then, in the “Keyword” field, enter “CS” (or any other abbreviation you prefer).
  5. The Secret Sauce: Here’s the key part. In the URL field, paste this:

Explanation: The %s in the URL acts as a placeholder for your search term. So, when you type “CS” followed by a space and your search term (e.g., “CS AI principles”), Chrome will automatically translate it into the full Cloud Search URL with your search term included.

Watch it Work: Open a new tab and type “CS” followed by a space and your search term. Voila! Chrome will instantly launch Cloud Search with your search query pre-filled, saving you precious time.

Bonus Tip: You can create similar shortcuts for other websites you use frequently. For example, create a shortcut for your company’s internal knowledge base to quickly find answers to common questions.

Stop wasting time hunting for information. Unleash the power of Cloud Search and create custom shortcuts to boost your productivity!

Duncan Isaksen-Loxton

Educated as a web developer, with over 20 years of internet based work and experience, Duncan is a Google Workspace Certified Collaboration Engineer and a WordPress expert.
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