I have been trying out the new version of Skype that now comes with video calling. Its a program like an Instant Messenger and allows you to make calls to any other Skype user via VOIP or Voice over IP.
You can also call any other regular landline or mobile number by purchasing some prepaid credit, and its super cheap – AUS to the UK is around $0.02 per minute. All your contacts can be imported from Outlook and find anyone you already know and add them to your Contacts List.
Other cool features are being able to save your mates money and get a phone number in another country. So I could get a UK number and then anyone in the UK that would like to talk to me will be able to dial a local number in order to chat. The call gets routed via the internet and through to my PC.
You can even get a handset to plug into your PC or router and use that to make your calls, just like an ordinary telephone.
You will be able to find my Skype status on the homepage or on the Contact page.